After leaving Ta Pruhm temple through the north gate, we will comprehend the captivate of Tonle Bati Pagoda and we can be reached Yeay Peov temple by this gate too. Modish the undivided pagoda multifarious, nearby are many statues almost the life of Buddha as Vissanatara Jataka. Before new Yeay Peov temple, nearby are statues of the four Buddha who allow attained enlightenment and by the side of the heart bronze is Maitreya Buddha, who leaving to be enlighten in time 5000 of Buddhist era. At the west part of Preah Vihea (main sanctuary building of pagoda), nearby is a temple with 7 meters discharge, faces East. It’s Yeay Peov temple. The temple is made of stonework, constructed in the before time of 13th century.

On the fronton of the west false access, nearby is a figurine of dancing Vishnu, the dancing was performed in the objective to create, care for the humanity and saving individual being. This is the simply temple in Cambodia impressed dancing Vishnu.Apart from Yeay Peov temple almost 200 meters, nearby is a put up on the Tonle Bati have an account, which when was used by the royal type all through holidays. Nowadays, the put up became the responsibility place of Tonle Bati Tourism Company. The undivided tourist position is 9.3 hectares. There are 48 resting cottages with zinc roofs and 40 cottages with leaf roofs constructed along the riverside in support of renting to the visitors. Tonle Bati is the surname of the 7,000 meters long natural lake. During dry season, the come out of the lake is 1,000 meters eclectic and 2.5 meters deep. During damp season, it up to 1,500 meters eclectic and almost 4 meters deep. Tonle Bati is very crowded with area visitors all through weekend and community holidays. There are many kinds of food to have the benefit of, mostly are natural. Enjoying drinking fresh coconut fill with tears, baby palm juice, ingestion baby palm nut, baby palm cake, prohok dot, fresh grilled fish, frog, and grilled chicken.

The enter fee in support of Cambodian is 2,000 Riels for each person and in support of foreign visitor is USD2.00 for each person.