Khmer soldierly arts court more than a thousand years, as evidenced by carvings and bas reliefs in the Angkor temples. The soldierly arts include Bokator, Pradal Serey, Baok Chambab, Kbach Kun Dombong Veng, almost others.

Bakator, Known formally as Labokatao, is a Cambodian soldierly art form so as to involves close hand-to-hand combat, ground techniques and weapons. Bakator is single of the original Cambodian soldierly art and is thought to be the close quarter combat order used by the armies all through the Angkor era. Practitioners are educated to go-slow with knees, elbows, hands, feet and even the head. Short sticks are commonly used as mace.

Baok Chambab is Khmer wrestling: A sport in which two opponents try to pin (hold) both other’s back to the ground. A match consists of three rounds. Wrestlers achieve pre-match ritual dancing. A wrestler wins a match by two not worth it of three rounds. However, bearing in mind both circular, the loser is asked if he still wishes to carry on with the match. A Baok Chambab match is traditional accompanied by drum beats: Two drums celebrated as Skor Nhy and Chhmol, (female drum and male drum). Traditional matches are held by the side of the Cambodian National Olympic Stadium all through the Khmer New Year and other Cambodian holidays.
Khbach Kun Dambong Veng exactly refers to an ancient Cambodian soldierly art form concerning the service of a long body. It has traditionally been trained to get ready aligned with enemies compass reading eventual meanness towards their villages and their motherland. Now it is particularly general with youths in most important sports clubs in Cambodia.

Pradal Serey is traditional Khmer kick boxing. A match consists of five rounds and takes place in a boxing ring. There is a single or two-minutes break in linking both circular. Before a match, boxers achieve the praying rituals celebrated as the Kun Krou. Traditional Cambodian composition is played all through a match. The instruments used are the Skor Yaul (a drum), the Sralai (a flute-like instrument) and the stringed Chhing. Boxers are necessary to wear leather gloves and shorts.

Victory is directly granted whilst a warrior delivers a beat which is dogged whilst the knocked down warrior is unable to carry on the fight bearing in mind a 10-second count by the judge. Victory is plus dogged by the side of the finish off of the match whilst judges decide by a meaning order which fighter was more real. If the armed forces finish off up with the a little cut, adraw is called.