The distinctive terracotta red National Museum is located subsequently to the Royal Palace and it was devoted by queen Sisowath in 1920. Over 5,000 objects are on put on view plus Angkorian era statues, lingas, and other artifacts, nearly everyone notably the legendary sculpture of the ‘Leper King’ (a replica sits in the creative setting on the ‘Terrace of the Leper King' by the side of Angkor Wat.

Though the importance is on Angkorian artifacts, near are additionally examples from the pre-Angkorian Funan era (4th-9th centuries), and a competent collection of pieces from soon periods, plus a special exhibition of post-Angkorian Buddha statistics. Visiting the museum you will not just be enthralled with ancient artifacts but additionally more latest workings of craftsmanship. Walking behind the chief building you will be impressed with students of the University of Fine Arts who are practicing all forms of art, pursuing the heritage of their forefathers. Also of fascination is Street 178, aka ‘Artists Street’, which borders the museum and is lined with several art galleries and reminder shops. The Reyum Gallery is of regard communication, exhibiting the workings of contemporary Cambodian artists.